Morality, God, and Creation.
Someone once asked me: “What can I do, what can we do to prove to a higher being, that we as a lot are worth saving”
Here was my answer:
For the moment, lets assume there is a higher being (which I will expound upon later in the post). This being (God) set life in motion, and gave us one master command we are to follow.
The number one master command we were given as physical beings is to Survive. It is so important, that it wasn’t written on some stone tablet in front of a burning bush; it is written in our genetic codes, and is the same for all living things.
The second master command is to protect our family; and the third is to multiply. The higher being also gave us intelligence to see that these three commandments can sometimes conflict, and we are meant to use that intelligence to guide us in applying rules 2 and 3. Rule number 1 always applies; it is the MASTER rule.
I believe that all morality is based on survival. The famous 10 commandments for example, if followed, all promote survival of all parties involved, as does the ‘golden rule’.
There are concentric rings of survival; visualize the rings of an archery target. They are (listed in natural strength to an individual):
* Survival of Self (Bullseye)
* Survival of Family
* Survival of Tribe*
* Survival of Nation State
* Survival of Race
If a person takes action to survive personally, we do not think there is anything special about such action. It is simply the normal thing one does, and is expected. However, if an individual sacrifices himself for the benefit of family or a family member, we generally consider that to be an action of a superior morality. Likewise, if an individual sacrifices himself for the benefit of his tribe (taking one for the team so to speak) we are even more surprised, and consider that person to be more of a hero, right?
Following along those lines, wouldn’t a person who sacrificed himself to save an entire race be of the highest morality of all? In my view he would be. (Think Jesus) That hasn’t happened often, has it? Most people do not care one whit what happens to some poor peasant in a foreign country because they are not part of the tribe. When Sally Struthers tries to get you to donate to a starving child in Ethiopia, she does so by convincing you to adopt that child into your tribe.
Any action which creates friction, tension, ill will, or harm to another is immoral to the degree that it lessens someone’s likelihood of survival. Stealing for example is a good way to get yourself killed, not to mention other transgressions such as lusting after your neighbors wife. However, defending oneself when threatened is not immoral, it is simply following the first master command. To not do so would be the immoral thing. The absolute highest immorality would be to willingly die for no reason. Perhaps this is why there is a taboo about suicide.
A common theme I encounter is that we are all part of the One, and there is no separation. Therefore any action which endangers one of us, endangers us all.
But, how is that true?
Earlier, I posited a supreme being. Well, that supreme being is US.
In the beginning, there was no time, no space, no matter. But, there could have been consciousness, because consciousness is non-local, and does not depend upon matter per se, according to the views of some physicists and psychologists. So, I offer my view of creation:
A long period of NO-TIME passed and a consciousness arose. There may have been more than one, it doesn’t matter to us. We cannot know how or why, but the fact that we are indeed here shows that something happened. Consciousness then is in fact the Prima Materia from which everything else springs.
After another long period of NO-TIME, this consciousness became insane, like a person placed in a sensory deprivation chamber for a long period of time. It splintered into several pieces, creating separate distinct consciousness units; schizophrenia. These are the biblical, Cherubim, Seraphim, and Orphanim. Eventually, this layer or level of split consciousness suffered the same fate, creating a new level containing the Thrones, Dominions, and Powers. These then split into the Principalites, Archangels, and Angels. Yes, these designations are probably wrong, but the process is correct, Many religions seems to have a similar view of the levels of creations though.
Each time the god consciousness split, the quantum of consciousness of the new level was less than the previous. IE: it was less potent. We are the product of this fractal splitting, each of us being a tiny piece of god-consciousness ourselves. We are in fact simply a piece of god-consciousness, a tiny alter-ego of a magnificent case of multiple personality disorder.
There is a parallel to this schizophrenia in our everyday lives, it is called government. That is why the same government can condemn smoking while at the same time dole out subsidies to tobacco farmers. I’m sure you can think of a lot of similar examples. As below, so above.
What is matter then? Matter is an illusion, it is simply condensed consciousness. It can only exist as long as we think it so.
What is time? Time is also an illusion, it is the distance between two thoughts. Time stands still when you are unconscious, but passes quickly when you are fully engaged in the moment.
Do you see how the idea of fallen angels arises then? We are the fallen angels, and we are in fact God. We are collectively the Supreme Being. We just have a hard time seeing it, and being schizophrenic, we are largely ineffective most of the time.
Our long term purpose is clear though. We as individuals, as consciousness units, want to reunify with the level above us, to essentially heal a schizophrenic God. This would be what we call Ascension. In the long run, nothing else really matters.
It has been proven now that our own brains are holographic in nature. Our memories, thoughts, and feelings are not stored in specific places in our brains, but distributed throughout, and any piece of our brain contains all the data we store. Our brains are non-local computing devices. The entire universe is likewise holographic, because it is simply a manifestation of non-local consciousness. As below, so above. Because of this, it is possible to know everything about anything, past, present, and future. True most of us don’t have this ability, mainly because we believe we don’t, but none the less, the possibility exists.
So, God is indeed all-knowing, because collectively we are, and we are God. God is also all-powerful because collectively we are. We just don’t know who and what we really are because that would spoil our work.
When we are in spirit, we can see creation clearly, and we know what and who we are. But when we come into flesh, we do so for the purpose of learning, and we set up problems for ourselves to solve. This requires forgetting our true selves.
Creation in the spirit world is instant. We think it, desire it, and it is so. But that presents a problem for us, as it is impossible to discern cause from effect in the spirit world. To fix that situation, we invented the material world to play in. In the material, creation is slowed down so that we can separate cause and effect and learn from our actions. (Karma). When we come into the flesh, we voluntarily agreed to the veil of forgetfulness, choosing to not remember that we are fallen angels so that our time in matter would have serious meaning while we are here. Think of material life as a movie theater, where you suspend normal belief while you watch the movie so that you can more fully enter in the experience. We have suspended normal belief as we entered the physical world. Dying is simply leaving the theater when the movie is over, and in so doing, regaining ‘normal’ belief again.
Religions teach us that we are separate from God, and that we have to plead for his forgiveness. That, in my opinion, is the greatest lie ever told, and it has been told as part of the plan to keep us in ignorance while we are in the physical as well as to empower the priesthood. But the time for that has now passed. Its time to realize who you really are, and to take on the responsibility you have to help with the Ascension. What that means is personal to you. I cannot tell you, just as you cannot tell me my role. Each of us does have a role to play though, or we would not have volunteered to be here in the physical.
* By Tribe, I mean a close group of associates, not a small village of people living in teepees. While that was true at one time, our tribes are now our circle of friends, our work associates, our neighborhood. Most of us belong to several tribes, some having more importance than others.