Its not fair!
No matter what one talks about, someone is going to say it just isn’t fair. What is fair at all? Are we born with a little book explaining what we should get out of life? Of course not. What we are entitled to is simple Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Happiness itself is not a guaranteed right, only the right to pursue what makes us happy.
Lets examine some of the unfairness.
He has more stuff than I do…. that’s not fair. Bull, did you ever stop to think that maybe he worked for more stuff than you did? If you want more stuff, then work towards having more stuff. Don’t expect someone else to give it to you because you think its not fair.
He has a better job than I do…. that’s not fair. Well, did you work as hard as he did? Did you educate yourself as well as he did? Are you as smart and creative as he is? Probably not.
He makes more money than I do… that’s not fair. I work just as hard as he does. Well, your value to society is not entirely determined by how hard you work. It is also determined by how creative and knowledgeable you are. People get paid either for their physical labor, their specialized knowledge, or their creativity. Labor has been rapidly been replaced by technological advances, so labor is not worth what it once was. Creativity and knowledge rules. You are worth only what society deems your contribution to be worth, not what you think you are.
In short, get over it.